创建管理个人项目 Your Own Rep


  1. 主页UI中,点击
  2. 点击任意页面右上方加号右侧的三角按钮,打开菜单点击New repository

There are two ways to create a new repository, after login:

  1. click in home page UI
  2. click triangle at right top next to the plus and hint New repository

之后填写项目项目信息,如下图 Add more repo info then as below


①switch repo owner. If this is an organization account, there will be all members there or only signed in user can be there.

②填写项目名称。此处不接受中文字符,若输入中文字符则在创建后以 - 代替(如下图例子中①处)。

②name your new repo. Chinese characters are NOT accepted and will be replaced by - if there is any after creating.

③填写项目描述 describe your new repo

④选择项目私有或公开。免费账户仅可创建公开项目。 choose your repo public or private. Free account has public account only.


⑥选择编译语言类型 choose a compile language type

⑦添加一个开源协议,建议添加 add a license, as recommended.


完成创建之后即可进入新项目主页 You will be led to the repo home page later

①创建时填写的名称 name given during creating

②创建时填写的描述。点击Add topics添加主题标签,可让项目更容易被找到(仅支持英文单词)

②description given during creating. click Add topics to add topic label to make your repo more discoverable (only English)

③创建时选择的协议类型。若未选择则不显示(此时不可事后添加)。 license type you chose. Not visible if you did not (you can NOT add one now)

④项目初始化生成的README文件内容展示,未修改前为项目名称+描述 display contents in README.md created during repo initialization. It will be repo name + description before changed

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